{ "pageType": "product", "title": "Servicios administrados por Varian", "videoId": "", "imageId": "https://varian.widen.net/content/al1yfcxqyy/webp" }

Reduzca costos

  • El modelo comercial de gastos operativos deja libres fondos para proyectos adicionales
  • La automatización disminuye el tiempo de implementación
  • La solución hospedada minimiza el impacto de las operaciones de TI

Planifique los tratamientos de forma flexible

  • El monitoreo proactivo mejora la confiabilidad del sistema
  • La protección antiobsolescencia permite que la infraestructura más reciente admita productos de software

Mejore la eficiencia operativa

  • La solución totalmente hospedada permite centrarse más en los pacientes y menos en las operaciones
  • La arquitectura estandarizada y escalable mejora el rendimiento del producto
  • Copias de seguridad y protección de los datos para permitir la continuidad del negocio

The performance of a single point of responsibility

0.1 MM

Patient treatments per year FullScale cloud environments*

*Cloud offering. Estimated based on 35 patients per day, five days per week for each connected linac. Data on file at Varian.
As of October, 2024.


Uptime of FullScale Infinity Cloud infrastructure

Data on file at Varian.

FullScale Infinity Cloud

Optimize the value of your Varian ecosystem with fully hosted FullScale Infinity Cloud

Providing robust, scalable and secure oncology IT infrastructure and management, FullScale Infinity Cloud is ideal for multi-site clinics and hospital systems that are able to host data in the cloud. Varian provides proactive monitoring and maintenance, and FullScale Infinity Cloud streamlines upgrades, integrations and expansions. All in a subscription-based solution with fixed monthly operating expense.

FullScale Select*

Get the most out of your Varian ecosystem with fully integrated and professionally managed oncology IT infrastructure

Our on-premise, clinic owned IT infrastructure for Varian applications and patient data—professionally architected, configured, installed and managed by Varian—FullScale Select is designed to be both robust and flexible in meeting clinic needs. This fully integrated hosting solution is complemented by selectable monitoring, maintenance, disaster recovery and security services—advantages that help you optimize system performance and maximize clinical availability.

*Not available in all markets.

"We have seen improvements in the quality of care provided, time to access treatment, and reduced treatment times for a large number of patients as a result of this implementation. We couldn't be more pleased with the result of moving to a cloud-based treatment planning system."

- Nilgun Touma, Director of Radiation Therapy Services, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Get the confidence and peace of mind that can only come from a fully integrated Varian ecosystem with FullScale managed services.

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*Service Agreements on corresponding software applications are required